
1. Listen to the dialogue between Agnes and her grandfather and decide whether the statements (1–6) are TRUE, FALSE or this information is not provided in the text – Not Stated – according to the dialogue you hear. You will hear the text twice. Now you have 15 seconds to read the statements.
Прослушайте аудиозапись к заданиям Task 1- Task 3
1. Agnes’s grandfather is 75 years old. – ns
2. Agnes’s grandfather studied art when he was young.- t
3. While in Moscow, Agnes’s grandfather enjoyed eating chocolates. – ns
4. Agnes’s grandfather spent a lot of time in museums in Moscow. – t
5. Agnes has some experience swimming in icy water. – f
6. At the end of the dialogue, Agnes and her grandfather agreed to go to Moscow for the Christmas holidays. – f
2. Which of the following places in Moscow is not mentioned in the dialogue?
- The Ostankino TV Tower
- The “Moskva” swimming pool
- The Walrus Club
- The Red October Chocolate factory
- The Ostankino Palace
3. Which museum does Agnes’s grandfather speak about but doesn’t name at the very beginning of the dialogue?
The Museum of Moscow
The Sheremetev Palace
The Tretyakov Gallery
The History Museum
The Theatre Museum
The Pushkin Fine Arts Museum
4. Imagine you are choosing dry food for your dog. Below is the information you read on a bag of dog food. Read the information and do the following tasks.
N E W A N D I M P R O V E D Grade A Dog Chow A new and improved line of dog food that combines the flavor of real beef with all the essential minerals needed for a happy and healthy life. Veterinarians agree that this is the dog food to buy. Essential Minerals – Grade A Dog Chow provides your dog with 12 essential minerals for good health. This means that Grade A Dog Chow has three more minerals than is recommended by the National Canine Council. For example, Grade A Dog Chow contains zinc for healthy skin, calcium for stronger bones, and sodium for proper kidney function. Real Beef – Grade A Dog Chow contains real beef. Most kinds of dog food are flavored with beef, but actually contain little or no real beef at all. Look at the list of ingredients on the container of your dog’s food. If beef is not the first ingredient listed, then beef is not the main ingredient. We guarantee that Grade A Dog Chow is the only dog food on the market that lists beef first. Disease Protection – Grade A Dog Chow is the first and only dog food that provides your dog with protection from heartworm. Heartworm medication is in the dog food. If your dog eats the recommended amount of food each day, it will receive the maximum protection needed to prevent this dreaded canine disease. Convenient Packaging – Grade A Dog Chow comes in convenient one-serving size or in 20-pound bags. Reasonable Price – Grade A Dog Chow is the best dog food for your money. We guarantee your dog will not only like our dog food but eat it with gusto, or we’ll give you your money back!
Guess the meaning of the following words from the text and connect them to their meanings. There are two extra meanings that you should not use.
Meanings of words absolutely necessary or extremely important easy to use found in metal containers such as cans or tins food little children of people or animals things that are mixed together to make some food to make sure that something does not happen how food tastes great enthusiasm and enjoyment to write items one after another in a specific order not too expensive the meat of a cow eaten as food 454 grams have related to dogs; has to do with dogs something horrible that people are afraid of an infectious disease that dogs can be sick with two small organs in the body that produce urine level of quality – how good or bad something is
grade — level of quality
chow — food
flavor — how food tastes
beef — meat if a cow
essential — absolutely necessary, extremely important
canine — related to dogs
kidneys — two small organs, produce urine
contain — have
ingredients — things mixed together to make food
to list — to write items in a specific order
heartworm — infectious disease
to prevent — to make sure that something doesn’t happen
dreaded — horrible, people are afraid of
convenient — easy to use
pound — 454 grams
reasonable — not too expensive
5. Answer the following questions (задания 5-7): In the name of this dog food – Grade A Dog Chow – “A” refers to the word…
- “grade” – Grade A.
- “dog” – a dog.
- “chow” – a how.
6. This dog food – Grade A Dog Chow – is most likely sold in
- the United States of America.
- the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
7. Which word made you think so? Write just 1 word.
Ответ: grade
8. According to the information on the bag, Grade A Dog Chow contains 3 important minerals. The minerals are named by their English names. Guess which symbols these minerals have in Chemistry. Write the English names next to their chemical symbols and the parts of the body they are good for (задания 8‑13).
9. Part of body (Na)
Ответ: kidney
10. English names (Zn)
Ответ: zinc
11. Part of body (Zn)
Ответ: skin
12. English names (Ca)
Ответ: calcium
13. Part of body (Ca)
Ответ: bones
14. According to the information, beef is the main ingredient in dog food if…
- the food contains 12 essential minerals.
- the containers are single-serving size.
- beef is the first ingredient listed.
- it tastes and smells like beef.
15. Which of the following is not mentioned on the bag?
- Grade A Dog Chow is good for dogs’ bones.
- Grade A Dog Chow helps dogs live longer lives.
- Grade A Dog Chow is good for dogs’ skin.
- Grade A Dog Chow improves dogs’ kidney function.
- Grade A Dog Chow helps dogs not to get sick.
16. According to the information on the bag, how many minerals does the National Canine Council recommend for dog food?
- 3
- 9
- 12
- 15
17. Out of all the information on the bag about Grade A Dog Chow, which of the following is a fact and not just an opinion of the people who sell it?
- It contains several minerals and real beef.
- All dogs like it and eat it with pleasure.
- It is the only dog food that contains real beef.
- The National Canine Council recommends it.
- Veterinarians consider it the best dog food.
18. Read the text below and choose the word that fits best for each space. The first one is done for you. Underwater Games Have you ever seen dolphins?
Dolphins are mammals that (0) live in seas and oceans. Dolphins are smart animals, but they are (1) curious and playful. One of the most (2) facts about dolphins is how much they enjoy playing. Dolphins can (3) jumping above the surface of the water and landing on their backs, bellies, or sides just for fun. Dolphins even find ways to entertain (4) under the water. (5) they do not have objects to play with, they make (6) own toys out of air! (7) fish, dolphins are mammals that breathe air. They can stay under the water (8) 15 minutes with one breath. Dolphins can control when they breathe out. The air comes out through their blowholes and makes bubbles. One kind of air bubble is shaped (9) a circle. It (10) a bubble ring, and it happens to be the perfect sea toy. Many scientists (11) filmed and photographed dolphins playing with bubble rings. Sometimes (12) looks like dolphins use the bubble rings as targets. They will hit the bubbles with their long noses or spin around and slap the bubbles with their tails. Dolphins also try to bite the bubbles. (13) , dolphins use bubble rings to create more of a challenge. (14) playful mammals will make a big bubble ring and try to swim through it. They have been seen trying to catch a bubble ring or move it around without breaking it. Sometimes they can (15) two or three bubble rings together. It is (16) fun game for the dolphins! (17) experts think that dolphins also use bubble rings to help them hunt for food. Dolphins swim beneath the fish and send up bubbles. The bubbles cause the fish to move toward the surface of the water. (18) the dolphins swim in and grab a tasty snack. It is amazing (19) dolphins play with bubble rings. It does not matter if dolphins use bubble rings to help them hunt for food or use them just for fun. What matters (20) dolphins have fun playing with all the bubbles they make.
1 also
2 surprizing
3 be seen
4 themselves
5 since
6 their
7 unlike
8 for up to
9 like
10 is called
11 have
12 it
13 in addition
14 these
15 join
16 a
17 some
18 then
19 how
20 is that
19. Place the words in the right order to make sentences. In each set of words there is an extra word which you don’t need to use (задания 19-23).
- through 3
- He 1
- like 6
- fish 8
- threw the 4
- swam 2
- water 5
- a 7
20. to it when cold Water turns you ice freeze
Ответ: water turns to ice when you freeze it
21. doctor flew The his the patients flu treated for
Ответ: the doctor treated his patients for the flu
22. money that think happiness things brings Many
Ответ: many think that money brings happiness
23. club me Tom sea will he at says the see
Ответ: Tom says he will see me at the club
24. Match the names of the following famous cats with their descriptions:
Mrs Norris
The Cheshire Cat
Puss in Boots
The Cat in the Hat
The cat with a squashed face who belongs to Harry Potter’s best friend.
The cat that creates chaos when he comes to the house of Sally and her brother while their mother is away; one of the characters of Dr. Seuss.
The lazy, cynical, sarcastic orange fat cat who loves lasagna and hates Mondays – from a comic-strip created by Jim Davis.
The pet cat of Argus Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who helps her master to find misbehaving children. The criminal cat, also known as the Hidden Paw; one of the main characters of T. S. Eliot’s 1939 poetry book “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats” and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s musical “Cats”.
Alice’s loyal and curious pet in Lewis Carroll’s “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”.
The cat who is always at war with his neighbour, the mouse, and is one of the two main characters in the famous cartoons about them first created in the 1940s.
The cat who keeps grinning (smiling) at Alice during her adventures in Wonderland, as well as disappearing and appearing over and over again until nothing is left of it but its grin.
The cat from a fairy tale who uses trickery to help his poor master gain power, money and the hand of a princess in marriage.
- HP best friend — Crookshanks
- Dr Seuss — The cat in the hat
- Jim Davis — Garfield
- Argys Filch — Mrs Norris
- Hidden Paw — Macavity
- Alice’s pet — Dinah
- at war with mouse — Tom
- Alice in Wonderland — Cheshire
- Fairy tale — Puss in Boots