
1. You hear a woman talking about going to a concert with her friends. How does she feel about Jack not going with them?
A) She’s astonished at his decision.
B) She understands his reaction.
C) She’s disappointed he isn’t coming.
2. You overhear a man and a woman talking about saving money. What do they agree about?
A) a way to spend less on food
B) a way to save on leisure activities
C) a way to cut their electricity bill
3. You overhear two colleagues talking about how to improve their French quickly. What is the woman doing?
A) working out which way would be best
B) getting the man to follow her example
C) complaining about the lack of time
4. You overhear two friends talking about ways to get fit. What is the man’s response to the suggestion of running?
A) enthusiastic agreement
B) limited agreement
C) complete disagreement
5. You hear two people talking about going on holiday. What doesn’t the woman want to do?
A) camp in bad weather
B) stay in expensive accommodation
C) spend a lot of time travelling
6. You hear two people talking about the moon. How do they respond to the idea of living on the moon?
A) They can’t imagine doing it themselves.
B) They think there are dangers involved.
C) They believe it’s likely to happen soon.
7. You hear two people talking about a city centre gym. Why is the woman not sure about joining it?
A) It costs a lot to be a member.
B) The staff are rather unwelcoming.
C) The location is not convenient.
8. You hear a man talking about a football match. How does he feel about his team’s performance?
A) He is disappointed.
B) He is happy.
C) He is surprised.
9 класс
Task 1. You will hear a woman giving a talk about a one-day archery course during which she learnt to use a bow to shoot arrows at a target. For questions 1-7, fill in the gaps with the words used in the story you are going to listen to. Use one word in each gap. You will hear the recording twice.
Anne used to shoot arrows from a bow made of (1) … when she was a child. Anne only had time to read about the (2) … of archery before the beginner’s archery course. Anne’s archery course took place in a (3) … . Anne was surprised that learning to (4) … properly was so difficult. The teacher told Anne she needed to relax her (5) … . One of Anne’s arrows went into a tree by accident. During the breaks, Ann was happy to look at the (6) … . and talk to other people. Some of the people on Anne’s course said that a TV series had inspired them to try archery. Anne was excited when the class were allowed to start scoring. Anne is trying to persuade her (7) … to do an archery course with her.
Task 2. Part 1. Listen to an interview with a woman who is skilled in the sport of kitesurfing. For questions 8-13, choose T (True) or F (False). You will hear the recording for the first time in Part 1 of the task and for the second time in Part 2 of the task.
In former days kitesurfers didn’t pay so much attention to protection
equipment as at present.
The competition in Fiji is a yearly event.
During one of her distance events Maggie met a lot of boats on her way
Maggie’s parents were her first kitesurfing trainers.
According to Maggie’s opinion, kitesurfing needs step-by-step advancing.
Maggie’s partner works as a kitesurfing coach at a local club.
Part 2. Now you will hear the interview again. For questions 14-20, choose the best answer (A, В or C).
Maggie says it took her a long time to learn to kitesurf because
A the equipment wasn’t widely available.
В it was hard to find the right assistance.
C she needed to build up her strength.
In Maggie’s opinion, since she began kitesurfing
A suitable locations have been more clearly identified.
В attitudes to some aspects of safety have changed.
C participants have become better informed about sea conditions.
Maggie hopes that by competing in Fiji, she will
A encourage others to take up the sport.
В have the chance to pick up some new moves.
C be invited to start organising future events.
During one distance event, Maggie became slightly worried when
A she had to switch to different equipment.
В she experienced a great deal of pain.
C she lost sight of the people helping her
1. plastic
2. rules
3. field
4. stand
5. shoulders
6. view
7. parents
8. T
9. F
10. F
11. F
12. T
13. T
14. B
15. B
16. А
17. С
10-11 класс
Task 1.
Part 1. For questions 1-5, listen to the first part of a lecture about early forms of money and barter
in the United States. Match the forms of money and barter (1-5) to the information about them
(A-F). There is one letter you do not need to use. You will hear the recording only once.
gold dust ……………….
cocoa beans ……………….
potlatch .………………
wampum ……………….
tobacco leaves ………………
A. This form was used when large sums had to be paid.
B. This form was replaced with documents.
C. This form was given as payment to construction workers.
D. This form was banned for a short time.
E. This form was used as an offering to the Gods.
F. This form was kept in transparent containers.
Part 2. For questions 6-10, listen to the second part of the lecture. Complete the summary filling in
the gaps (6-10) with one word or number. You will hear the recording only once.
The development of money in the United States
In 1690, paper money was introduced in Massachusetts to pay ……………
Other colonies copied the idea, resulting in a rise in ……………
British government response: ban on paper money in colonies in ……………
In 1790, the dollar first became a ………….. currency.
Apart from silver dollar coins, until the 1930s, there were ten-dollar coins, known as ………….
Task 2.
Part 1. You will hear five short extracts in which university students are talking about doing
voluntary work on wildlife projects. Decide whether statements 11-15 are true (T) or false (F),
according to the information in the recording. You will hear the recording for the first time in Part
1 of the task and for the second time in Part 2 of the task.
Speaker 1 volunteered to help with a wildlife project because he wanted to improve his CV.
Speaker 2 wanted to learn about building conservation.
Speaker 3 found the training for the water-quality project to be sufficient.
Speaker 4 was impressed with the turtle project in Central America.
Student 5 was satisfied with the advice given about what to do if someone got sick.
Part 2. Now you will hear the recording again. For questions 16-20, match the speakers (1-5) to the
reasons for disappointment about the experience (A-G). There are two reasons you do not need to
Speaker 1 ………………….
Speaker 2 ………………….
Speaker 3 ………………….
Speaker 4 ………………….
Speaker 5 ………………….
A. the accommodation provided
B. the level of ongoing support
C. the catering arrangements
D. the attitude of fellow volunteers
E. the degree of challenge offered
F. the unexpected costs
G. the health and safety policy
1. F
2. A
3. D
4. С
5. B
6. soldiers
7. inflation
8. 1764
9. national
10. eagles
11. F
12. T
13. T
14. T
15. F
16. F
17. Е
18. В
19. D
20. G